Rank #1
andrea pirlo
Height: 5’10″(177)
Stamina / Skill: ★★★★☆/ ★★★★★
Foot (Right / Left): 5 / 4
Extra Position: CM
Rating: 5/ 5
🟢 Best
🔵 Excellent
🟣 Good
🔴 Bad
🟠 Worst
🟢 Best
🔵 Excellent
🟣 Good
🔴 Bad
🟠 Worst
Work Rate (ATT/DEF): Medium/Medium
Skill Moves: Lane Change
Celebration: Jump First to First Punch
Traits: Flair, Long Passer, Playmaker, Long Shot Taker
✅Passing : Pirlo’s passing is very good which enables him to pass the ball directly to our strikers for scoring a goal,his lob passes are also very insane he can easily pass to the ball through air.
✅Dribbling : His dribbling very amazing,he can easily dribble the ball through opponents defenders and score a goal,his joystick dribbles are also very amazing which enables him to make opponents defenders feared.
✅Pace and Skill Moves : His pace is very amazing as being a CDM,he can outrun defenders very easily for scoring,his Heel to Heel sprint is also just unbelievable,he feels very fast.
✅Defending : His defending skills are just overpowered,he tackles into the ball and steal it from opponent strikers very easily,his AI interceptions are also very good,he tackles most often.
✅Shooting : His shooting is also decent,he scores most often as there is less need for CDM’s for attack side.
✅Physical and positioning : His physical is very amazing so he doesn’t get falls easily by strong defenders or attackers,his positioning is very good,he maintains his position full time.
⛔No cons
Overall,Pirlo is a top-tier CDM with great defence,passing and dribbling,he is one of the best CDM’s in the game