Rank #1
Ashley Cole
Height: 5’7″ (176 cm)
Stamina / Skill: ★★★★☆ / ★★★☆☆
Foot (Right / Left): 3 / 5
Extra Position: LWB,LM
Over All Rating: 5/5
Rating: 🟢 Best
🟢 Best
🔵 Excellent
🟣 Good
🔴 Bad
🟠 Worst
Work Rate (ATT / DEF): High/High
Skill Moves: Heel to Heel
Celebration: Hand Spring
Traits: Dives Into Tackles, Outside Foot
✅ Ashley Cole is a great left back with exceptional pace and great pass and dribbling.
✅ Cole is one of the best Defending type Left Back with great physical and defense stats.
✅ Due to his pace and great defensive stats he can easily stop fast paced Attackers like Mbappe.
✅ Cole has some great tackling where he can easily stop the counter attack and win your team the ball.
✅Cole can easily deliver precise crosses if the attacker is in the right position.
✅Cole has great stamina and he can easily last a full H2H match.
⛔One of the major cons of the card is his weak foot.
⛔Cole is a really aggressive fullback and he is really prone to getting yellow or even red cards.
⛔One Other con of this card will be his shooting as most of his shots can easily go off target.
I would like to say that Ashley Cole is a good Left Back if you’re looking for a defensive fullback he is really consistent with his tackles and has great stamina he can make good crosses and even has great vision for normal passes aswell. Although he may have some cons but that doesnt stop him from easily taking out attackers. Overall I would like to say that he is a good fullback
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