Read everything carefully before investing in any of the given players below.
• Due to this new market pick system, only selected players are there in those market pick.
• The good cards are having great demand because they are not in their actual value, so they will surely rise in price.
BUYING TIME: Buy when you see supply runs out on that player preferably 3-4 resets after daily refresh.
SELLING TIME: When it comes to selling, we cannot predict the best time for everyone. For example, if we say to sell on a specific day, everyone will want to sell on that day, which would result in a significant drop for everyone. Sell when you are satisfied with the profit. Preferably after the last refresh before daily reset.

1.) Buy Low/Sell high then profit will be increased too.
2.) DON’T OVERBID! OVERBID = Loss/Less Profit.
3.) If you see a lot of overbidding, don’t try to go more than 300K / 400K over, because it matters when you sell (the tax is there and it’s very important). The recommendation is to leave that card and move on to another one, and you will definitely be able to get the card at a lower price. Additionally, don’t focus on buying just one card, consider multiple options because there might be days when a specific card doesn’t give a decent profit. The recommendation is to buy 3 to 5 cards of each.
1 Comment
Hi I wanted to know which are best players to invest on with a less amount.