Rank #2
David Beckham
Height: 6’0″ (182cm)
Stamina / Skill: ★★★★☆/ ★★★★☆
Foot (Right / Left): 5/4
Extra Position: CM, RW
Overall: 4.8/5
Rating: 🟢 Best
🟢 Best
🔵 Excellent
🟣 Good
🔴 Bad
🟠 Worst
Work Rate (ATT/DEF): High/High
Skill Moves: Roulette
Celebration: Stand Tall
Traits: Early Crosser, Finesse Shot, Long Passer, Long Shot Taker, Play Maker, Outside Foot Shot
✅️ Let’s begin this with the pace, he has a simple pace which is decent for any rm, tho rm runs more than the cms it is still enough to take possession.
✅️ So now let’s talk about his shooting, his shooting is also decent it is almost perfect for any midfielder.
✅️ Passing, ‘ next level ‘, he can do all types of passing, starting from tight spaces to long passes he is excellent in all of these, and this helps you to mark your teammates and push a goal.
✅️ If it comes to dribbling it’s not that bad, I won’t say he is a joystick dribbler but his ball control is nice, he has that touch that keeps his ball close to him which helps a lot in dribbling.
✅️ He has decent stamina, as a right midfielder, he holds a lot of work so he is good with his stamina, making his dominance in the match his topmost.
⛔️ Not that many cons tbh but if you’re using him for a position like RW he’s kind of slow
My man Beckham is a crazy good RM with Mind blowing traits which makes him a good box to box, also he does tracks back after losing ball to defend so yes he’s one of the best RMs in the entire game.
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