Generally, investments are classified into two categories –
i. Long-term investments (Crash investments)
ii. Short-term investments (Sniping investments)
- Sometimes, the value of some cards falls because of an increase in supply caused by specific reasons. Thus, the card becomes undervalued or “it crashed”.
- But, if the card has good stats or is of a famous player like Ronaldo, Messi, Neymar, Haaland, etc. it will certainly have some demand as people want to buy these cards. This small demand will slowly cause its price to rise back up.
- Thus, in Crash investments, we buy cards when their price has decreased for some specific reason, then hold on to them, wait for the price to rise, and eventually sell them for profit.
- Since it usually takes a week for the card to rise back to near its initial price, these investments are long-term.
- They are easier investment to do because you just have to go into the market and buy the cards. The risk is also low as these cards have a proven history of regularly rising back up.
- But at the same time, expected profits are also low – generally around 10-15% after tax.
- When you buy Crash investment, it is important to bid purchase order at min price and be patient, you will get your card eventually. Do not panic buy at higher prices – your profits will be low. Although, sometimes, if you see 40-50 orders at min price, then you can slightly increase the price by 10k or 100k.
- When you are buying them, place small orders of 4-5. If you place a large order of 25 cards, then other people will keep placing order slightly higher than yours and you wont get any card at all.
- Patience is critical in these types of investments – you should not be panicked when you see supply after 1-2 days. Be confident that the supply will dry up and the card will again rise even if it falls 200-500k.
- Graph reading is important here. You should compare the card’s historical prices and current prices. If the card is crashed (selling) to a price considerably less than its average historical price, then only it is worth investing in.
- Sometimes Graph can be misleading also, you need to watch out.
- Fun fact – graphs are updated at 12:00 AM UTC. So, it might be possible that the prices rise a lot or drop a lot during the day but the graph wont show them – it only updates the price which is at 12:00 AM UTC, so only once a day.
Different types of Crash Investments #
- NOTE – at the time of this writing, max ovr cards were 99. If higher OVR cards are released in the future, the recommended investment OVR mentioned below will also increase by 1-2 points.
- Following are some consistent Crash types
- Always remember – all crash investments will be available in n 💸・investment-guides.
Weekend Crash #
- Caused by Weekend challenge rewards – we get these challenges on Saturday and Sunday.
- Since the Weekend reward is an 88+ OVR card, this crash investment generally consists of cards of famous players like Ronaldo, Messi, Neymar, Mbappe, etc, in the middle OVR range of 90-93.
- Generally, 94+ ovr players are not worth investing in because it is difficult to get a 94+ player from 88+ pack, so there isn’t a lot of supply created by weekend rewards for 94+ ovr. And because there isn’t a “new” large supply of 94+ cards, they don’t crash much, so they don’t give good profit.
- Best time to buy is a few hours after Saturday and Sunday resets.
- Best time to sell is around Thursday-Friday.
- Expected net profit after tax ~8-10%
- Low risk in general
Weekly Crash of new players #
- Every Thursday reset, new cards are launched, and they come in store packs of gems/FC points. Now, people will open store packs, creating a supply of new cards – they will crash. But next Thursday, another new batch of cards will come, which will replace the current cards from store packs. So, the current cards will no longer have supply from the store.
- But because lots of people still want those cards which have good stats or are of famous players – demand exists as they want to buy them from market.
- Conclusion – small demand on zero supply causes prices to rise.
- For eg, let’s say 1st and 8th dates of the month are Thursdays. When new cards launch on the 8th, the cards launched on the 1st are removed from the packs. So these cards (launched on 1st) will start rising from 8th as they don’t have any supply now.
- For this reason, we will buy these cards on 7th ie Wednesday (when they are at their lowest because people have been conitnuosly opening packs and selling them in market from 1st to 7th) and sell after 4-6 days.
- Generally consists of newer good stats, high ovr cards like 95-97.
- Best time to buy – Wednesday
- Best time to sell – next Tuesday/Wednesday
- Low risk in general
- Exception – if during the week, a new exchange is released which requires newer players, then they will rise mid week only, and wont crash at all. Eg, New Heroes cards released on Thursday, and on Saturday we see a exchange requiring 95 Heroes players. So, 95 heroes players will rise instead of crashing due to store pack openings.
- So look out for them, and again, do check the discord server for such things.
Tradable Exchange crash
- Sometimes, EA releases tradable exchanges of high ovr cards like 95-96, 97, etc. Because of these tradable exchanges, the supply of cards (which is one of the outcomes of the exchange) increases, and its value drops.
- Eg, imagine if 97 Tradable exchange is released and it has 97 Frimpong as one of possible outcomes. When people do this exchange, some of them will get Frimpong. Now some of these people will sell him in market if they don’t need it – thus, new supply is created which causes the prices to fall.
- Best time to buy – on the last day of exchange, after which there will be no supply
- Best time to sell – 4-5day, but BEFORE a similar exchange comes back again.
- Eg, if an exchange lasts from Friday to Sunday, you need to buy cards on Sunday and sell on Thursday – because there is a high chance that the exchange will repeat on next Friday and cards will again fall.
- Moderate risk – cards often don’t rise a lot, but you should be able to recover the tax amount.
Division Rivals reward crash or (DR crash)
- Caused by DR rewards, which are given out monthly when the DR season ends. You can see the reward timer by going into the DR screen tab from the Play button. When the timer ends, rewards come, and cards start crashing.
- Consists of high ovr cards 94-96, which are present in the current DR reward’s tradable pack. You can see these cards by going into Store > Exchanges > Division Rivals > Tradable packs (which can be bought using common points (silver ones), NOT advanced points (gold ones)).

- Best time to buy DR crash is around 12-15 hours after the timer ends. It can be variable, but it’s usually around the time when the supply of cards is almost exhausted.
- Best time to sell is atleast after 4-5days. These cards are generally older cards that are otherwise not in store packs – so they keep rising slowly even after 5days as they do not have any supply after rewards are gone. So the longer you hold, the better will be the profit.
- However, it is important to note that if EA introduces a Tradable exchange that includes these cards, they will crash again. So, keep an eye on new tradable exchanges at reset – if you see one, instantly sell all your DR crash investment cards.
- Expected net profit after tax ~15-20%
- Very low risk
Crash due to temporary removal of exchange #
- Sometimes, some of the exchanges are present only on certain days of week. So, when they are present – all the requirements are in demand and will rise and on days when exchange is temporarily removed – the requirements will no longer be in demand and prices will fall.
- Thus, you need to buy the requirements 1-2 days before the exchange is about to come and sell them when the exchange is about to be removed.
- Eg, imagine we have an exchange that requires 89ovr card and is in the game every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. And rest of the days, it is removed. So, 89ovr cards will rise on Fri, Sat, Sun, and the start dropping in price as people no longer need them. Thus you can advance buy 89s for low on Wed-Thurs and sell them for high prices on Sat-Sunday.
- Best time to buy – 1-2 days before the exchange is expected to come.
- Best time to sell – last or second last day of exchange
- Moderate risk – people always buy cards for exchange, but you will lose money if EA doesnt repeat the exchange on the day you were expecting
- First, we will look at important terms/mechanics of game to understand what we mean by “sniping a card,” and then we’ll learn how to perform and where we can use it.
Purchasing queue #
- If a card is in demand, that means many people have placed a purchase order on it. Now, if you want to buy that card and you place a purchase order, you will only get the card after everyone who placed the purchase order before you has gotten it. So, if the card has 200 purchase orders, and you place a new order, you will get it only after all the 200 people ahead of you have gotten it.
Refresh time of a card #
- Each card’s price is changed automatically every 2 hours. The price change is dependent upon the demand and supply of the card. If there is a good demand throughout the 2 hours, the price will increase, and similarly, if the supply is large, then the price will decrease.
- Each unique card has a unique refresh time, and it refreshes every 2 hours from it. For e.g., 98 Ronaldo’s refresh times are “7:25:35”, and then 2 hours after it, “9:25:35”, “11:25:35,” and so on.
- You can find the refresh time of each card from Renderz (its app is recommended, but the website also works).
- When you open the Renderz app, you will see a search bar at the top. Enter the name of the card whose refresh time you want to search, click on its tradable version (i.e., the version that shows coins below it, not the one that shows the untradable hammer icon), and scrolling down, you can find the exact refresh time as well, as the timer to it.
- Remember, each unique card has a unique time, so 98 Ronaldo will have a different time from 96 Ronaldo, 94 Ronaldo, 92 Ronaldo, etc.

What is Sniping #
- Take the example of a card whose max price is, say, 10M.
- If the order number on the max price is too large (e.g., 999+ demand orders), and you place a new order, you will not get the card because many people are ahead of you in the purchasing queue.
- But, as you know, when the refresh time comes, because the card has had a large demand for the past 2 hours – its price will increase. Say, the new buying price is 10.5M.
- Since everyone was buying the card at 10M, and if you now place a purchase order at a new price (i.e., 10.5M), you will suddenly become the 1st person in the queue because you are paying more for the card than others. And thus, you will quickly get your card.
- This is called “Sniping a card”.
- Mr Believer has made a video on how to snipe; you can check it out on the YouTube channel.
How to snipe #
- After you have decided which card you will snipe, watchlist it in-game.
- Look up its refresh time in the Renderz app and either note it somewhere else or memorize it.
- Open up your floating clock app, preferably ensuring it also shows milliseconds.
- Now, wait in the Watchlist window of the game. The moment your floating clock ticks to the exact refresh time, you need to press purchase and place your desired order – you can place 4-5-10 card orders if the ovr is low (supply is higher, so you can get all of them), or you can only place an order of only 1card to be as quick as possible if you are sniping high ovr card like 98-99.
- NOTE – if your wifi is slightly slower, like 100-150Mbps, you need to click the purchase button around 200-250 milliseconds earlier than the refresh time. This is because when the wifi is slow, the card takes some time to load up prices; thus, by the time prices are loaded up, 200ms have passed, and you see new updated prices right at the refresh time. Otherwise, if you press purchase at the exact refresh time, you will be late by 200ms – even this much time is a lot, and you won’t get the card. Of course, it won’t work if you have very fast wifi because if you press purchase 200ms before the refresh time, due to high internet speed – the card will instantly show its prices – which are older, and thus, you will fail to snipe.
- After placing the order, you need to wait for the entire next 2hours. If you were fast enough and were able to claim the card, then kudos; otherwise, you need to cancel the order when the new refresh time is near and do the entire process again.
Demo of Sniping #
- In this example, we will try to explain how sniping works on 95 Pellegrini, please follow the video attached below.
- The demand on card is extremely high, thus you cannot get him otherwise – you must snipe it.
- To start with, initially, you need to go to Renderz and search up the card. Now memorize the exact refresh time ie 5:29:44.
- Now, switch to game. Through out the video, i tap the purchase button 5 times – 4times BEFORE its refresh time, and once in the end AFTER its refresh time.
- You will notice, during all 4 initial purchase taps, the max price of card is 23.8M but if you look carefully on the last time i press purchase – the max price is changed to 24.9M.
- So, because you are now able to pay more than all the other people purchasing for 23.8M, you will get the card before them.
- Thus, you are “ahead of others in purchasing queue”.
- NOTE – for simplicity, I pressed purchase button very late after its refresh time of 5:29:44 – almost entire 1 sec late. The key to snipe is to reduce this time and press purchase as close to the refresh time as humanly you can, or 200ms before if your wifi is slower. Typically, you need to place order within first 200miliseconds for high ovr cards and first 8-900milliseconds for lower ovr cards.
Requirements of Sniping #
- Basic and most important requirement is having a very high speed wifi. For example, for new high over-card sniping, you need almost 300-500Mbps wifi. For lower ovr cards, slower wifi might also work.
- Floating clock app – you need a floating clock so you can see exactly when the refresh time comes to purchase (i.e., snipe) the card.
- Fast reaction times
Utilization of Sniping #
Cards which are required for exchanges #
- For example, 95+ TOTS players were required for the 97-99 UTOTS exchange. When the exchange came at reset time, everyone quickly tried to buy 95+ TOTS players to invest, and the demand suddenly became 999+. Now, if you were even 30 seconds late, you wouldn’t have got anything.
- So, to invest in them, you were thus required to snipe them at their next consecutive refresh times – 95 Pellegrini which we saw above.
- Similarly, when Di Maria exchange came, it required 88+Real Madrid players, so unless you got them quicky when the daily reset occurred, you needed to snipe them at their respective refresh times.
Newly released cards #
- Sniping newly released cards is the single most profitable investment in the game.
- Every Thursday, new cards are released in the market.
- They come around 25-40 minutes before the daily reset time of Thursday – as there is no exact time of their launch – you need to be online in the game during the entire 30mins window. They might come 40 mins before reset or they might come 4 mins before reset – its completely random and changes every week.
- While you are inside the game window, randomly, a pop-up will come up about the game update. This is when new cards come, so be alert.
- When the cards come, you must quickly search for them in the market and place the purchase order. So you need to know which card you will snipe in advance. This information will be available in our Discord server, just like every other information 💸・investment-guides.
- If the card has good stats, is cheap in price, is of famous players, etc., you can get massive profits of up to 80-120%, i.e., you can double your money. We have consistently seen people making over 1 billion coins from a single good sniping day.
- But, at the same time, it is the single most difficult investment in the game as the supply is very very low because the cards are just released, thus you need very high-speed wifi to be as higher up the purchasing queue as possible- at least 300Mbps or some. Also, we need a little bit of luck from EA – because if all the newly released cards have very high prices, then no one will buy them, and they will crash – causing you massive losses.
Selling of All types of Investments #
- Simplest advice: Sell when you are satisfied with profit
- An extremely critical point to note is NOT to mass list your cards, i.e., do not try to sell (or list in the market) 25 copies of the same card at a time – this will cause a panic sale, and you won’t be able to sell any of your cards. The best practice is to list a few cards, like 4-5 at a time, and then list another 4-5 after the previous ones are sold.
- For different crash investments – when to sell is already mentioned in above posts.
- For Sniping investments, it is a little tricky. General advice is to sell when you start to see consistent supply, but sometimes, if you wait long enough, the supply is consumed, and the card keeps on rising. So, it has a slight luck factor – whether you sold for max before the prices drop or you sold earlier and cards kept rising making you lose out on possible profits.
- You can always ask in 💸・investment-guides. when to sell your investments.
Utilization of Dudek/Mascherano #
Dudek #
- **Dudeks **are pretty useless now as the general ovr of new cards is in 90s, making Dudeks absolutely useless. Sometimes, few of 89ovr card’s higher ranks rise a lot, and thus you can get those cards, use your dudek on them and sell it for profit eg Abdul Samad.
- There might be some unique opportunity in future to use Dudek like earlier for example we had POTM cards, UCL Lunin, etc which gave 6-8M profit per Dudek. General advice is to keep accumulating them, when we do see a good opportunity, we can use the Dudek.
Mascherano #
- Mascherano‘s best usage is on newly released high ovr cards like 98-99 ovr etc.
- The reason being when a high ovr card is released, its ranked up versions are much more expensive than base version. So, we have a good profit margin.
- But as time passes, lots of people buy the base version and rank it up and sell higher rank – consequentially price of base rank increases (high demand) but price of ranked up versions decrease (high supply).
- So, its good to sell the card as soon as possible. You can wait a bit for blue-green ranks, but in general, better sell quick.
- Example we have 98 Salah, purchased him for 228M and quickly sold after ranking up to gold rank for 850m which is 765M after 10% tax.
- Since, we need 19 Mascherano to rank up to gold, profit after tax per Mascherano is (765-228)/19 = 28.26M.
- You should be aiming for atleast 20M per Mascherano, otherwise it is a waste.
- Try to avoid doing this on cards which are even more than 2-3hours old – if they have large supply at ranked up versions, it can become basically impossible to sell it and your money will be stuck in that card.

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