Rank #2
Ferland Mendy
Height: 5’11” (180cm)
Stamina / Skill: ★★★★★/ ★★★★☆
Foot (Right / Left):5/5
Extra Position: None
Overall: 4.8/5
Rating: 🟢Best
🟢 Best
🔵 Excellent
🟣 Good
🔴 Bad
🟠 Worst
Work Rate (ATT/DEF): High/High
Skill Moves: Roulette
Celebration: Knee Slide Spin
Traits: Flair
Physical Ability: Mendy physicality makes him one of the best Lb in the game and feels very strong in game.
Weak foot and skill moves: His 5-star weak foot with 4-star skill moves makes him versatile in attacking situations, scoring important goals and delivering perfect crosses.
Defensive Prowness: Mendy is known for his formidable defending. All interceptions are reliable, often breaking up opposition plays.
Pace in game: Mendy is super quick, with brilliant speed and acceleration, allowing him to easily stop fast attackers.
Speed and Agility: As a fast and agile Left-back, Mendy excels at positioning himself during corners and counter attacks, which is especially useful in defending corners.
Stamina: He has crazy stamina and aggression, combined with his high/high work rate, enabling him to move up and down the pitch effectively, snatching the ball and contributing to attacks.
Man marking: Mendy excels at man-marking and blocking due to his speed and positioning, moving quickly between opponents.
Aggression: His defending is rock solid, with great aggression and tackling. His quickness makes it tough for opponents to beat him.D
⛔️ None
Best LB in the game. Very strong physically and defensively. No Cons in this beautiful card.
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