How to Finish Like a Pro
We have discussed all the settings that affect our gameplay; however, we still haven’t shown what pros do when they face certain situations. Let’s move on to the topic.
Finishing Techniques
First, make sure all your attackers can finish the ball with 5 Weak Foot (WF), including midfielders. This gives you more options in different situations. But don’t worry, we’ll explain how 4WF and 3WF players can handle it.
I use the button to finish the ball. There are two ways I can finish where the goalkeeper can’t save it (unless it’s VDS, who is pretty annoying).
When you’re about to finish, without using finesse, roll the joystick to the opposite direction you are running in. Make sure you’re rolling towards the direction you’re aiming at. For example, if I want to finish in the left top corner, roll up first and then to the opposite; the same applies for the right top corner—roll down first and then to the opposite.
For finesse shots, just aim at the corner you’re targeting and use 70% power.
But what if I have a weak foot issue? Luckily, we have the swipe feature. Swipe at the bottom with a straight line to perform a bottom corner finish. For finesse, make a small 1/4 circle, and you’re done.
Note: If you swipe too fast, the ball will fly away.
How to Pass Like a Pro
All FC 1 players always use driven passes because they provide a faster ball and increase the attacking tempo significantly. This also puts our attackers in a better position against the opponent’s defense line, without facing midfielders.
A pass with 20% power is enough. If you give too much power, it makes it harder for the receiving player to control, allowing the opponent to intercept it. However, if you’re passing to your striker, use as much power as possible—about 60-70% should be enough.
How to Defend Like a Pro
We know there are various ways to attack. So, how do we deal with them? It’s simple. Always step back but don’t overdo it with your defense, ensuring the entire line is straight so that the opponent can’t find any gaps.
Don’t use the rush button too often; this gives your opponent a better chance to attack (buildup issue). You must also ensure that your defender is very good because if you choose a defender who is easily stunned, all the effort you put into learning to defend will be wasted.
How to Dribble Like a Pro
Dribbling takes experience, so you need to spend a lot of time playing the game. However, I can share how I do it a little bit.
I can predict my opponent’s next move with my experience. When I dribble, I only control the joystick—don’t rush. Just keep dribbling and predict what your opponent will do next.
Building Up the Team
You must have a good team with all players at level 25. This makes the entire team faster and better, which is a basic requirement in FC 2/1.
Make sure to check the Discord player review. We always have staff in the team discussion who can advise which players are best for dealing with various situations. It’s a helpful resource, so if you want to improve, join the server.
More details coming soon in the next weekly update.
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