Read everything carefully before investing in any of the investments below.
• 94-95s Retro star players will get demand as they are need for 94-101s exchange pack, so we can buy them and sell them for profit!
BUYING TIME: Buy them rn at minimum price!
SELLING TIME: Hold them for few days and sell them when satisfied with profit as they get demand each reset.

• Due to this new market pick system, only selected players are there in those market pick exchange.
• These good cards are having great demand because they are not in their actual value, so they will surely rise in price.
BUYING TIME: Buy these players right now!
SELLING TIME: Sell them in few days when you are satisfied with profit.

1.) DON’T OVERBID, OVERBID = Loss/Less Profit
2.) Buy Low/Sell high then profit will be increased too.
3.) No investment in 100% safe it all prediction and analysis.
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