Jairzinho Review

By Mr. Believer

Jairzinho Review


Name: Jairzinho

Height: 5’8″ (173 cm)

Stamina / Skill: ★★★★☆ / ★★★★★

Foot (Right / Left): 5 / 4

Extra Position: RM

Rating: 🟢 4.9 / 5

🟢 Best

🔵 Excellent

🟣 Good

🔴 Bad

🟠 Worst


Work Rate (ATT / DEF): High/High

Skill Moves: Roulette

Celebration: Jump Punch to Fist Pump

Traits: Flair, Power Header, Outside Foot Shot.


✅His shooting is outstanding. He will score almost every shot on target, except when using his weak foot. His long range shots are exceptional.

✅Jairzinho’s dribbling is top-notch. He can easily maneuver the ball up the pitch on his own, making him one of the top dribbling wingers in the game. Skills like Rainbow, Roulette, and Lane Change are particularly effective with him.

✅ Extremely fast, his pace gives him a significant advantage in 1v1 situations. He’s constantly active, making runs and positioning himself well for the ball.

✅ His physical stats translate well in game. He’s difficult to tackle or push off the ball, which, combined with his dribbling and pace, makes him a formidable presence on the pitch.

✅ Excellent passing ability. He can deliver precise assists from anywhere on the pitch, including long passes. His passing is reliable, even in crucial moments.


His weak foot is a notable downside. He struggles to score from outside the box with it, so it’s best to avoid shooting with his weak foot.

his height can be a disadvantage, especially in aerial duels where taller defenders may overpower him.


Jairzinho is one of the best RW options available in the game. His pace, shooting, dribbling, passing, and physical attributes make him a top-tier choice. If you’re considering him, go for it,he’s one of the best in his position.


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