Rank #10
Height: 6’3″ (190 cm)
Stamina / Skill: ★★★★☆ / ★★☆☆☆
Foot (Right / Left): 5 / 4
Extra Position: CM, CB
Over All Rating: 3/5
Rating:🔵 Excellent
🟢 Best
🔵 Excellent
🟣 Good
🔴 Bad
🟠 Worst
Work Rate (ATT / DEF): Medium/High
Skill Moves:Ball Roll
Celebration:Brick Fall
Traits:Dives into tackles, Long passer
✅Palhinha is a decent CDM, his tackles are deadly and are timed for the most part. His strength allows him to be able to body attackers who are coming and win the ball
✅ His defending is crazy he is very tall which is an advantage for towering over some attackers and clear the ball
✅He is quick to be honest he is quicker than most CDM’s and sometimes he outpaces my mbappe
⛔If you are using him remember he is a pure CDM he can not attack kind of
⛔Not sure if you guys have a problem with skill moves the palhinha is not the guy to use 2 star skills
⛔His passing is decent but not the best for a CDM he can pass far distance but not really close distance. But its not a very big problem
In conclusion this card is great but maybe pair him with a attacking but defending CDM
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