Rank #3
Height : 5’8″ (173 cm)
Stamina/Skill: ★★★★★/ ★★★★☆
Foot (Right/Left): 5/4
Extra Positions : CAM,CF
Ratings: 4.8/5
🟢 Best
🔵 Excellent
🟣 Good
🔴 Bad
🟠 Worst
Work Rate (ATT/DEF): High/ Medium
Skill moves: Lane change
Celebrations: Roll and fist pump
Traits: Solid player, Finesse shot
✅ Shooting: His great shooting abilities allow him to score goals wheter from inside the box or outside the box,with his finesse shot trait his finesse shots also very amazing.
✅ Pace and Skill moves: His pace is also very amazing which enables him to outrun defenders very easily,when using heel to heel skill his sprint is also good.
✅ Dribbling: His dribbling skills are just deadly as you guys know Brazilians dribbling this card dribbling is also just amazing he dribbles through his opponents defenders and scores a goal very easily.
✅ Passing: His passing is also decent you can pass to your other strikers with him for creating space.
⛔ Weakfoot: His weakfoot is a major drawback to him if he would have 5 weakfoot then he could be the best striker in the game.
Overall Pelé is a top tier striker with great dribbling skills and shooting,skill moves,pace etc,but his 4 weakfoot is a great L to him so his shots with weakfoot are not good.
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