Sergej Milinković-Savić Review

Name: Sergej Milinković-Savić
Height: 6’4″ (192 cm)
Stamina / Skill: ★★★★★ / ★★★★☆
Foot (Right / Left): 5 / 5
Extra Position: CDM, CAM
Rating: 🟢 5 / 5
🟢 Best
🔵 Excellent
🟣 Good
🔴 Bad
🟠 Worst
Work Rate (ATT / DEF): High/Medium
Skill Moves: Roulette
Celebration: Cart Wheel
Traits: Long Shot Taker, Power Header, Outside Foot Shot
✅ This card has one of the best defending and passing alongside Gullit.
✅ Savic has a 5-star weak foot + 5-star stamina which makes him the best CM in the game
✅ Savic also has good physical paired with good pace which makes him arguably the best.
✅ Savic also has CDM and CAM in his alternate positions making him an all-rounder.
⛔ No Cons
this Savic card is just too good , he has good pace, good shooting, and good passing, he is an all-rounder, he can defend well , attack well , and he can also create good scoring opportunities for your team , i would suggest you all to buy this card or rank him up if you pack him.