Shapeshifter Crash Investment
- The store pack is expiring tomorrow which will lead to shapeshifter’s players price
- DO NOT OVERBID. Buy at low and sell at max for maximised profit.
- Hold minimum 3 to 4 days
- It’s risky so invest at your own risk, as EA might release a gems pack which contains shapeshifters tomorrow. If you want to invest safely, wait till tomorrow (7th July) reset and invest after that in case if the shapeshifter packs are not included in the game.
- Please read everything before investing!

This investment is very good for people who can’t snipe and cannot do daily investment because they are not able to sell cards before reset due to reset timing being late in night, during school time, etc.
Bro i have 80M on who can i invest if i invest im expecting atleast 10M profit or can i spend the money to get 4×96 players and use it for daily pick?
I really don’t understand market crash please upload a video about investment with full details
Any investment oppurtunities for under 100 mil. Please help
Love your vid
w mr belieber
I invested on Jackson when should I sell him?
bro you told to invest after 7th july so can i invest now ?? i got 200 m what should i do i am really confused should i buy em and sell after their hike?? anyone pls reply
Bro please give a safe investment in 65 mill
3 x 95 rated jackson
Thanks bro. It will be very useful for me. Pls upload the 0-105 OVR series. Btw big fan
Can you take video about daily investments and sniping techniques because I always see your videos but I can’t snipe,I still don’t know how to invest.Plz upload new video about investments!