Skill Move

Common Skill Moves in H2H

There are at least five skill moves commonly used in H2H:

  1. TOP 1: Heel to Heel
  2. TOP 2: Open Up Fake Shot
  3. TOP 3: Step Exit Over
  4. TOP 4: Lane Change
  5. TOP 5: Rainbow

Details on when and how to use these skill moves will be mentioned in gameplay, to know the best moments and situations for each move.

NOTE: This is just a suggestion; if you have your own preferred moves, that’s perfectly fine.


Detailed Skill Moves

1. Lane Change

How to time lane changes well? There are many situations when we are on the attack, and lane change is the best skill move to use.

When we pass to our attacker (ST, LW, RW) and their opponent is behind them, ready to defend, you must use a driven pass when you see your player has space—not a big space, but enough to pass into. This will help you get free space easily and take a shot.

Or, if we are in the buildup phase, use it when your opponent is about to close in on you. It’s a good move, but it can be tricky.


2. Open Up Fake Shot

This skill move gives players a huge advantage in scoring.

How to use it at the right time? In a similar situation, if you have a defender at your back and they are very close, you can use it and aim at the opposite side from where they are running.


3. Heel to Heel

This move is simple. When there’s only one defender around you and they’re a little bit close, use it. You can run very fast and stun them at the same time, creating a bigger gap.


4. Step Exit Over

This is probably the most overpowered skill move, as it can boost your pace to the maximum in under 0.1 seconds.

It’s similar to heel to heel, but with one more advantage. Heel to heel isn’t always usable because it requires a lot of space, whereas step exit over allows you to use it in small spaces and run towards the box without anyone defending.

Note: More skill moves will be discussed soon.

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  • Samar

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