Rank #3
Theo Hernández
Height: 6’0″ (184 cm)
Stamina / Skill: ★★★★☆ / ★★★☆☆
Foot (Right / Left): 3 / 5
Extra Position: LWB
Over All Rating: 4.6/5
Rating: 🟢 Best
🟢 Best
🔵 Excellent
🟣 Good
🔴 Bad
🟠 Worst
Work Rate (ATT / DEF): Medium/High
Skill Moves: Roulette
Celebration: Heel Taps
Traits: Long Thrower
✅ He is the fastest player in the game, even with 5 stamina, which allows him to chase everyone throughout the entire match.
✅ His defensive AI is outstanding, making it difficult for wingers like Messi and strikers like R9 to dribble past him. Even if they do, they will be easily chased down before they reach the penalty box.
✅ His physical attributes are top-notch, with a height of 184cm, which helps stop cross spammers with his excellent jumping and heading stats.
✅ If you want to play him as a fullback, it is good as well. He has nice passing and a decent pace.
⛔But the problem is his 3 skill moves and 3 weak foot. Therefore, it’s only recommended to use him to overlap. However he is still one of the best
Hernandez is a complete lb having high speed and defending decent physical to stop any threat, also has nice passing and dribbling when starting an attack.
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