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Mr. Believer’s Hub is a top FC Mobile community offering the latest investments, leaks, updates, player reviews, tools, and quality video content all for free.
Due to the new Heroes Chronicles event, free-to-play players received…
© 2024 Mr. Believer – All Right Reserved
Mr. Believer’s Hub is a top FC Mobile community offering the latest investments, leaks, updates, player reviews, tools, and quality video content all for free.
Due to the new Heroes Chronicles event, free-to-play players received…
As you know due to some glitch we were not…
© 2024 Mr. Believer – All Right Reserved
Hi Mr. Believer, My account name is Rapotor. My team ovr is 109. I packed a Tradable 106 OVR DAVID BECKHAM from the Quests pack before 12:30 UTC. Can you please suggest this in your videos and tell my account details (109, F2P, rapotor)
Hi Mr believer,
Big fan of yours watch every of you videos everyday. Im currently with a 109 ovr team but still lack some good players if you can check and upgrade my account with good players it will be awesome. Continue with the videos big fan from mauritius.
Plz give me 105 OVR player MBAPPE toty crad
Can you upgrade my team
can you please upgrade my team
Pls can u upgrade my account
I’m a subscriber player this is my uid 811569904108208128
Im also 101 ovr can u tell how to upgrade it please mr believer
Wow. It will help a lot. Thanks
hey mr.believer can you make video or explaining how to find the right player to invest based on ur budget. like few days ago i planned to buy mikautadze 98ovr for 110 mil. but i couldn’t gather enough money to do so, but now he is 142mil. so i lost a good investment opportunity. so plz advise how to make fast coins and how to find the right player to invest.
Believer bro i have an doubt .Sir how to know what is the max price of investment example like 95 mo salah
hey bro mr believer can you upgrade my account because my friends bully me that mr believer does not upgrade his subs account can you also mention varun ram from oman ,and i am indian thank you
hey bro mr believer i am your subscriber so pls can you upgrade my account and do a video about it pls pls pls pls bro your fan my friends bully me that mr.believer does not upgrade his subscribes account pls mention my name in your channel than varun ram from india but in oman thank you
Bro big fan I am on 98 over can you suggest me a few tips to get 100 over please I subscribed you as a subscriber can you help me
I am from Bangladesh🇧🇩.The refresh time is 7:00 am.
2 utc in India is 6.30 am not 7.30 am
Appreciate you
Love you
You’re actually wrong.1 UTC is 6.30am in India.
Bro i live in palistan and i think the time converter is wrong as the refresh time is at 12 23 i think but it is showing 5pm
Hey Mr. Believer, from Indonesia here. I played FC Mobile about 1 week ago, and find your youtube content. Hope it going well, any update for invesment again? I save about 16 mascherano and 15 dudek. Thank you
what does it mean bro
what doet it meal like we have to do it after 7 30 mins pls telus
bro what does that mean like in India this 2 UTC is 7:30 am plsss tell me wat itmeans
bro what does that mean like in India this 2 UTC is 7:30 am what does that means plsss tell me
Hi Mr believer the time reset is wrong in Malaysia because normally the reset time is 8 am but it’s shows 10 am so thats the mistake
Mr.believer In my country the refresh time is about 4.00 Am what is the best time to get the players can you pls give me a reply
Hello Mr believer it is wrong my utc time is 1 pm
Hey mr belieber i didnt understand how it works can u help me
Hey MR Believer. The time conversation is wrong. In Bangladesh 🇧🇩, The actual game refresh time is 7 AM. But the Time converter you have made is showing 8 AM, So it is wrong (2)
The timing for PST is wrong too. The refresh time is 6 PM but it say 5 PM in the converter.
hey mr.beliver whats the best investment right now i have 54m coins and i have 12 mascherano or is there a player i need to buy rank up and get 10-20m profit for 1 mascherano
Mr beliver you are amazing big fan
Pls give shout out to me in next video my name ORLANDO PINHO
Hey MR Beliver.The time converting is wrong.In Bangladesh 🇧🇩, The actuall game refresh time is 7 AM.But the Time converter you have made it is showing 8 AM,So it is wrong
THanks a lot for the review, I will look upon it.
Ok,MR. Beliver
yes. game refresh time in bangladesh is 7 AM.
yeah in india to it refreshes at 6.30am but the time converter is showing 7.30
I don’t think it is
Mine was correct
Very good tool read the location immediately
It is very useful for us (Thank you believer ☺️❤️)
Hi mr believer,can you please do a review on euros 96 GK Pickford
Quite useful and nice site too Mr believer.
(do you remember me still?)
Bro can u upgrade my account 🙏
I have pasted my id in website column
Azin this thing has helped me a lot
Thank u Mr believer bro❤❤
Azin this thing has helped me a lot
What the fork bro what you said
Is this allowed