Rank #6
Height: 5’8″ (173 cm)
Stamina / Skill: ★★★★☆ / ★★★★☆
Foot (Right / Left): 5 / 4
Extra Position: CAM
Over All Rating: 4/5
Rating: 🟢 Best
🟢 Best
🔵 Excellent
🟣 Good
🔴 Bad
🟠 Worst
Work Rate (ATT / DEF): Medium/Medium
Skill Moves:Roulette
Celebration:Big Fist Pump
Traits:Playmaker, Outside foot shot, Team Player
✅Due to his Playmaker trait,his passing skills are very over powered which enables him to pass the ball very smoothly to our attackers for scoring a goal,his lob passes are also very amazing as he can send the ball very far by lob pass.
✅His shooting skills are also very amazing,his powershots wheter from inside or outside the box directly goes in the goal post,his finesse shots are literally very over powered wheter if we use finesse shot from his weakfoot it is in the goal.
✅His freekicks are very amazing,he scores most of time the short freekicks,he scores long freekicks also most often,most the times GK’s can’t stop his freekicks except strong GK’s like Cečh or Van Der Sar.
✅His dribbling is top notch,he easily outrun defenders by his dribbling,his agility and ball control is also very amazing,he easily dribbles through tight spaces,his joystick dribbling is also very smooth..
✅His pace is very great as being a midfielder,he is balanced in the field full time,due to his pace he easily switches from attack to defence in the field.
⛔His physical is a great loss to him,due to his physical he gets beaten by big defenders very easily.
⛔His height is also a great issue to him so he can’t score headers due to being a short player,he can’t stop cross spams also.
Overall,Xavi is a top tier centre midfielder with great dribbling,passing and shooting,he has a great positioning which enables him maintain his position the whole match,his height and physical are great issue to him.Otherwise,Xavi is a very good CM if you want to buy him then definitely go ahead as he is very good and if you packed him then definitely rank him up..
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